About Us

Sonicbidder.com’s unique platform engages the audio and visual senses in a fast-paced yet user-friendly experience.

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responsibility About UsIT’S ENGAGING

Sonicbidder.com’s unique platform engages the audio and visual senses in a fast-paced yet user-friendly experience.

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Sonicbidder.com’s smooth interface practically moves buyers to participate in the cutting-edge platform by design. It’s backed by a knowledgeable staff to support buyer and seller inquiries.

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Sonicbidder.com’s global auctions bring thousands of bidders and millions of dollars in buying power to your event, internationally. When you sell your car, your sale will reach an audience at home and all over the world!

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Pretty much anything on the planet can be sold through this four-dimensional auction platform from rare & classic automobiles to equipment, aircraft, motor yachts, and luxury real estate. The Vault’s global inaugural Sonicbidder.com auction rolled out 139 lots in 4 hours, to earn a whopping $5.9 million! That’s bidding with power. That’s bidding with Sonicbidder.com. Contact us or request a demo today!